My sweet friend Suzanne over at SouthernInspiration just gave me a blog award! My heart is grinning from ear to ear already. I'm going to let you in on 10 of my favorite blogs. Have fun checking them out. You just might find a new friend or two :-)
Cindy from DominionFamily (homeschool mom, grandma, thinker)
Chris from Finnegan Follies (loves her family, her garden, and the Lord)
Leah from Nourishing Body And Soul (writing teacher, traveler, and chef)
Lorri from ChocoJavaEuroMom (her name says it all!)
Cindy from Wrasselings (writing teacher, mentor, friend)
Mary from Teacher Person (another mom to 5, I get the best book suggestions from her!)
Holly from Holly Mathis Interiors (Nope, don't think we're related. Awesome designer)
Joan from RetroNuevo Ramblings (Cool. Joan is a cool mom. She's written a book for teens.)
Eleanor R. at AggieSoonerMom (Keeps me current on world events, economics, and cracks me up.)
Lisa at Homesick Texan (Don't know her personally, but her recipes are Texas-terrific!)