Inspired by the folks over at MentalFloss, here is my list of questions for you. Feel free to reply in the comments.
1. What's the most interesting book or article you read in 2008?
2. What's the best food you tried for the first time in 2008?
3. What's a new hobby you picked up in 2008?
4. When you look back at 2008 five years from now, what's the first thing that will come to mind?
5. Forget New Year's Resolutions. What is one thing you are currently doing that you plan to continue doing in the next year?
My answers:
1. Fodor's Guide to New York City. (The fact that I can't think of any off the top of my head makes me think that writing books down would be a good idea.)
2. Roasted Eggplant Pizza at John's Pizzeria in NYC.
3. Knitting
4. What is....Jeopardy?
5. blogging of course!