Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year, New Start: Day 12


Promises, promises. That miracle cleaning product didn’t measure up. It’s ok – we’ve all fallen victim of the siren song of “as seen on tv.” We’ve all bought that magic potion that promised to rid our lives of grease, scum, spots, and stains. Why are you letting that impulse buy hang around, taking up valuable cabinet space? Throw the imposter out and leave room for your tried and true. (In case this doesn’t apply to you, there just might be a half-empty bottle of dried out mystery-whatever under that sink. Out it goes.)


MagistraCarminum said...

Check! Had to hunt in the garage to carry this one out...

Nonnas News said...

a fellow texas gal just stopping by! I would love to follow your blog, I hope you will drop by mine too!